Friday, March 14
Royston, Hertfordshire


An Enforced Weekend Off

A blank weekend for the “Crows” in regards to playing which was pretty disappointing because we would have loved to have been carrying on where we left off on Tuesday night.

Not all bad, there were a couple having had niggley injuries that although wouldn’t have stopped them playing, will have that bit longer to get better.

Onto Tuesday now. A home match against Northwood, always a challenge against them and I’m expecting no different. They have played us twice and on each occasion have gone in front so our first objective will be to stop this initially.

Our situation in the League is extremely strong but we will be taking nothing for granted. The point difference between us and Farnborough could change on Tuesday with us both having difficult games. The main emphasis for me to get over to the lads is simple.

Play one game at a time. Look to win it with as much commitment to the cause as possible and then move on to the next match. It’s only natural that we all let our minds wander but if the players get too unfocused they could well find themselves out of the starting 11!! Not a threat by any means but to achieve what we want we need performances throughout the campaign.

As leaders we will be expecting tough matches week in, week out. All will be finals. Three points at stake but as said one game at a time. NO MORE KIDLINGTONS!!!
