Friday, March 14
Royston, Hertfordshire


“Well Done to All”

A great end to a very successful season by us today. The boys have had four games where they have already won the League and to keep them “At it” has been very hard. A little easier today because starting places were at stake for the next match but still motivation had to come from within which isn’t easy.

In my opinion the lads performed well enough but without the “Killer” instinct needed.

A 2-0 win at the end which was fully justified but probably from this demanding manager not quite convincing enough for the superior possession we had.

On to our Champions cup, away to the undefeated Hereford FC. A game that should be an amazing occasion with hopefully a bumper crowd to contend with.

The boys should not fear it but embrace it, enjoy it and show everyone what a good team we are!!

I for one am really looking forward to it. I so believe in this group and want them to all do themselves proud.

Well done to all. Promotion was the goal and that we achieved. Anything else is a bonus but to show that that are the best in the two leagues is a bit special!!

Any support will be appreciated!!
